The Honolulu Rose Society will be hosting an all-day rose-care workshop featuring four one-hour lectures on Soil Structure, Nutrients for Roses, Common Pests and Disease and Chemical Safety. This comprehensive but concise seminar will be conducted by rose-care experts flying in from California. These certified Master Rosarians represent the Northern California-Nevada-Hawaii District of the American Rose Society.
Sign up below to attend this special event which is held only once every four years. The next opportunity to attend this seminar will be in 2021.
School fee includes lecture courses, Consulting Rosarian Manual, refreshments and lunch.
School Fee:
$25 - Current Honolulu Rose Society member
$35 - Non-Honolulu Rose Society member
$10 - Exam Fee for CR Candidate
How to Become a Consulting Rosarian
School fee includes lecture courses, Consulting Rosarian Manual, refreshments and lunch.
School Fee:
$25 - Current Honolulu Rose Society member
$35 - Non-Honolulu Rose Society member
$10 - Exam Fee for CR Candidate
How to Become a Consulting Rosarian
Special Guest Speakers:JOLENE ADAMS
Current Consulting Rosarian Chair for the American Rose Society, Northern California, Nevada, Hawaii (NCNH) District; Past National President, American Rose Society; Past NCNH District Director; ARS Certified Rose Show Horticulture and Arrangement Judge, ARS Master Rosarian. JOAN GEOFF
Current NCNH District Director; Past President and VP of the Marin Rose Society; Co-Chair of the 2005 NCNH District Conference; ARS Certified Rose Show Horticultural Judge; ARS Master Rosarian. LINDA AND TED BURG
NCNH District Bulletin Editors of The Criterion; Past President, VP and Secretary of the San Joaquin Valley Rose Society; Local and National Rose Show Chairs; ARS Certified Rose Show Horticultural Judges; ARS Master Rosarians. |